How do we live from the heart? How can we better serve ourselves in a world that often isn’t administering to the pain it is creating, that we see, hear and are often subject to every day? We have all carried suffering in our hearts. We are all vulnerable. I bring an open heart and a safe space to each person that I work with — to wherever their path has lead them. We listen deeply to the questions that arise while we learn to carry them with compassion. We lean into the wounded places and learn to hold them with tenderness and curiosity. I have found that each person has a unique essence and nature. Each person, when in direct communication with their own heart — has already arrived, is already seeing and hearing from a place of wholeness, is understanding without judgment. It is simply my job to be present. To open with them to what they already know. To see the patterns that no longer serve them so that they can open to a new dialogue with their world and its responsibilities as well as the intimacy and purpose that they so desire to connect with.
We do this by entering into the body. The body becomes our teacher. We find what part of the body the emotion has settled itself, and we settle in with it so that we may hold it with kindness as it expresses itself. Often these emotions want to be “figured out.” They have created stories for us that become translated again and again creating a well worn path in our psyches. When we listen to these stories with presence, with the wide open lens of awareness and the generosity of awareness there begins to be a shift in how we perceive our narratives. We can open ourselves through a felt sense, to self compassion and self forgiveness. We see that we are not alone, that the suffering we feel is apart of the great human condition. From this perspective we can begin to garner some peace in the storm.
Embodied Awakening sessions are in person and through Zoom. These are ongoing sessions (six sessions are a requirement if after the first meeting it feels comfortable ) as we deepen our awareness in the body through inquiry and develop trust in how we observe and embrace the emotional and psychological terrains that present themselves. The tools that I bring to our work come from many different traditions. We will use Self inquiry, Mindfulness Meditations, Shamanic techniques, Imagery, Philosophy, Poetry, limbic repatterning, and breath work. It is both deeply quiet and active work.
I also do intuitive readings. In a typical session one can expect to be in silence for a few minutes after discussing areas of concern. So often these areas are patterns in relationships to work, people, health and places in our lives that feel thwarted or stuck. We then settle in our breath. There is nothing for the client to do but allow a restful alertness in their heart to be present. During this time I open myself through prayer to guidance and receiving information from the Shamanic Journey on the clients behalf. The reading is usually an hour and is also integrated into any questions a person may have during the session regarding any information that is received and needs clarification. Particular meditation practices are often referenced according to what the Journey reveals. While doing intuitive readings all sessions are recorded so that the client can refer back to them. Readings are done in person, or online through Zoom.